A journey through Craftworld Iybraesil. My blog of general geekyness of Warhammer 40k and other gaming hobbies.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Update! Fire Dragons and Dire Avengers nearing completion.
So I finally decided on a theme for the army, mostly because there are models with bases sculpted that way. I'm going with a battlefield/ruins look. I am making the squads match, but each will vary. I have a grid/metal plates theme going for the Dire Avengers, and ruined vehicles for the Fire Dragons. I ran out of time for working on them this evening as it's a girls' night out for me (yay) but will post photos as soon as I get them painted (the bases that is) and attached. Rangers are next and will feature city ruins as their theme.
That is all!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Projects - for the future
Monday, December 27, 2010
New Year's Resolutions.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Super Dire Avenger Exarch Go!!
One of my projects was to turn my standard 10-man DA squad into something more versatile. I wanted the ability to run an Exarch-less 10 or 2 5 man squads. This has become especially important of late since there is a 1000 point tournament and those few points are becoming vitally important.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Battle Report - Daemons vs Eldar
Mission was Annihilation, Setup was Dawn of War. 2000 points. Da Machine brought lots (3 or 4 groups) of Plague bearers, a group of harpies, nurglings for days, 3 spawn, a Great Unclean one, Daemon Prince, nurgle's accountant and some little robed thing that spits huge vomit. I deployed my scouts and waited for the rain of pestilence.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
"The Warp" Chat Network is up and running!
It's very easy to add to a blog, simply click 'copy this', tweak the colors to your liking, then post the code in a blog widget! Simple and easy! Note: '200' width will fit within the standard width of the side column in blogger. If/when you do so, register your name and send me an IM via chatango and I'll make sure you have moderator status as well.
I have another battle report in the works, but wanted to put this out there now. Coming soon; Eldar vs Chaos Daemons!
*edit* just wanted to shout out to FoxPhoenix135 (who's got a chatango for his local group) for inspring this idea into motion. Thanks!
Friday, December 3, 2010
The 40k Chat Project.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Overlooked & Underused Rule Time - Buildings
![]() |
I know this is a ruin and not a 'building' but he's SOOOO cute!!! |
I love buildings. I have built many of them (as you can see in past blog entries) and something in my brain makes me build them (and my vehicles, and of late, my infantry) modular. I like having buildings that you can actually put models into. At one point I even had a garage being worked on. That got discarded or lost in a move along the way.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Battle report!! Eldar vs. CSM
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Tournament list evolving...
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Tournament bound! (and happy 50th post!)
There's a tourney scheduled the Ides of January at the (now) local store. They don't have 40k tourneys very often and I missed the last one, so it's been since March I think since I've had a tourney. Gah! I did manage to walk away with a "best painted team" trophy, so that's tided (is that a word?) over for a while.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Fiction - The Origin of Autarch Ry'hanna Skyblade (part 1)
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Things are finally coming together
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Battle report too. Long over due.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Is it... a Battle Report?
Yes, I have an unfinished figure on the table. I'm so ashamed.. |
After Halloween, the packing began in earnest. I'm still doing it. I hate moving. But it will be a bigger place and more room to spread out my hobby instead of a tiny little corner between my computer and sewing desk.
But this is a battle report. I took a break on Sunday to get in a game with the guys before moving. I won't say last, since I'm only about 50 minutes away and will certainly come running back when they dangle the Apocalypse hook in front of me.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Battle Report - Swarm of Personality vs Space Marines
The Great White Hive Tyrant can be sneaky at times. |
Friday, October 22, 2010
Battle Report - Eldar Apocalypse!
All things concerned we learned quite a bit about all sorts of things; units and rules we don't often play with and I think that was a very good thing for all of us.
The game was standard Apoc. 9000 pts of Imperial vs 9000 points Eldar. Troops only were scorers. Six objectives and 3 Apoc assets for each side, drawn at random.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Apocalypse! The Eldar challenge.
Friday, October 15, 2010
We don't need no water...
Harlequins - Finished!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The roll continues - Harlequins & Apocalypse
Monday, October 11, 2010
The Swarm - stopped.
I used my "Swarm of Personality" list, but with double boneswords on the shrikes and no frag spines on the 'fex.
Oppnent had Dante, Jump marines with him
Razorback double flamer with 5 assault marines, melta, power fist
The burninator Land Raider with 5 assault termies +
Librarian in termie armor
Storm raven with 6 sanguinary guard and an underslung
Two fisted Dreadnought.
Both jumpy marines had sanguinary priests.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Back in the groove!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Harlequin Commission - Finished
Friday, October 1, 2010
Harlequin Commission - (not so) quick update
In the mail this week arrived some bits for my Shrikes, now they finally have heads!! A bit of paint and they'll make an appearance here. I'm really excited about my bonesword conversions.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Battle Report - Tyranids vs. Eldar
Friday, September 24, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Tyranids - Swarm of Personality
Here's a look at my Parasite of Mortrex so far. I'm really happy with how he came out, but I'm probably going to replace the metal ravener talons with the new plastic ones when I get them from ebay.
Friday, September 17, 2010
It's not always about Eldar...
Copyright Scott Adams |
Sunday, September 12, 2010
The losses continue...
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Blast from the Past - Space Wolves
Saturday, September 4, 2010
New shoes, New job, what next?
I'm really enjoying this new position and did so well at the interview they made me an interviewer. :D Yay for finally having a techie job again.
Aaaand you boys can stop reading now. I got new shoes and wow they are hot. Torrid was running one of their half off the clearance sale (read: get rid of the stuff) and I just had to get a little retail therapy (even if online) in for all the stress the previous position was causing me. grr.
So I'm thinking of going to Dragoncon tomorrow. I looked at the 40k tourney there but it's nightmarish in description. $50 to get in the con and another $30 just for the tourney! And no prizes listed either. No thanks! The Eldar will not be accompannying me tomorrow if I go.
Sunday I have a challenge match from Noah. 2000 points of Eldar on Eldar action. He says he's got this diabolical new list that is supposed to tear me apart. Says something about being all on foot too. Still not sure what to bring either. I guess my regular list might do, but I'd like to come up wish something a little different. I won't post it here either, since he's one of my minions, er I mean followers.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Battle report - Eldar vs Blood Angels

2 squads of 10 assault marines with saguinary priests
Saturday, August 28, 2010
We trained her wrong on purpose ... as a joke.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Siege of Vardash III - results
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Apocalypse Objectives!
1. The defense laser must be silenced! 1 point for destroying, 2 points for securing.
2. Stop the Warp Bomb. 1 point if you can prevent it being delivered to it's destination, 2 points if you control it. You can carry it, but intel reports that anyone in less than power armor (3+ save) would be not protected by it's chaos warping effects.
3. 1 point for each bastion that you control.
4. You've recieved orders to bring back a Tyranid Synaptic organism for study. 1 point for having a Tyranid Primary marker. You will also get a non-primary marker for killing a tyranid HQ in hand to hand. You will get 1 point for each of these you get back to your Forward base (even if it's a ruin).
5. Killing Xylar ne'Ivis is 1 VP, Capturing him is worth 2!
Tyranid, Genestealer Cult/PDF, Chaos Objectives:
1. Defend the Bastions in the city. This means you cannot allow attackers to be in base to base even if they are in ruins. 1 point per bastion.
2. Delivering a Primary HQ marker to the hive bastion. 1 point each.
3. Having the Doomsday Device in an Active state - 1 point. If the Warp Bomb is attatched to it - 2 points.
4. Taking the Attackers' forward base: 1 point for destroying it, 2 points for capturing it intact.
5. The Tau shot down the Chaos General's ship. Twice now. 1 VP for killing the Tau commander 2 VP for capturing him so that he can be 'thanked' properly.
The revolution will be televised!
Doomsday Device
I'm all packed up, ready for the game. Hard to believe that I didn't have anything that needs to be done in the morning. Yay!
At noon tomorrow the mission objectives will be posted.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Don't get excited!
Friday, August 20, 2010
The Defenders of Vardash III
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
More fiction and other stuff too!
"Good. Let the Voice of Redemption know we are ready to commence. Inform my ship that I'm on my way, and signal me if that Eldar craft comes any closer. It's been sitting there for two days now." The captain turned and strode away, his artificer armour making heavy footfalls upon the deck.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Tis but a Monday
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Fully Armed and Operational...
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Warhammer 40k: Space Marine
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Terrain - Walls!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Sunday, Lazy Sunday

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Terrain - Terra's Virtuous Wrath Ep. II
Monday, August 2, 2010
Battle Report: Planetstrike!

I like Planetstrike. I think it's my favorite of the 40k expansions so far. I haven't played in some time however, and with a big Apocalypse/Planetstrike campaign ending game coming, I felt like I needed a bit of a refresher. I thought I had the perfect recipie for a prequel campaign fight too, as my 'Forces of Disorder' general was going to be making a showing, and hopefully wanting to push some bugs for me. I only wanted to watch and coach as a rules refresher. Sadly my general didn't want to partake, so I broke out my Eldar. I also forgot to pack my camera today, so I have no visual evidence either. My Eldar opponent from last week's rematch was my opponent again this week, so we drafted 2500 point armies; he as attacker and I as defender. We did a simple Planetfall mission, 3 objectives. I simply forgot somehow that I could place some of my things in reserve, but fortunately had enough tanks to load everyone except my Autarch, Farseer Elorrah (both on bikes) and my wraithlord into one or into a Bastion. Firestorms didn't do much, both my jetbikes were hit but saved by invulnerable saves, I think two of the falcons were 'can't shoot' results. 3 Fire Prisms, 4 Vypers and 2 squads of Fire Dragons showed up first turn, and though one of the FD squads was shot down with interceptor fire, 2 of my bastions were blown up. Both my Dark Reapers and Pathfinders were inside, with both of my strategems attatched, now gone and useless. One wave serpent (Dire Avengers) got immobilized. Striking scorpions showed up too, but were misplaced landing near the wraithlord (*whistles innocently*). However the wraithlord was distracted when an Avatar was dropped from orbit right beside all 3 falcons.
It was a very fun game, and it's very late so here are the highlights...
- Banshees won the scorpion v. banshee argument. The scorpions have to be painted the next time they show up if they want a rematch. However banshee on banshee is the worst sort of fight!
- Avatars can take a crap-load of fire (took 3 wounds), but they just make Pathfinders mad, and they know kung-fu. (killed 3 of mine, but doom got his last wound in the end)
- Fuegan apparently brought a cap gun to this battle. His axe worked fine though, if a tank was already on the ground. He did take out my wraithguard early on to his credit.
- Eldrad does whatever he wants.
- Fire dragons raining from the sky are not healthy for bastions, or much else for that matter.
- Tank shock works very well for my opponent. Those watergun wielding pathfinders were sent running off board.
- Wraithsight pops up at the WORST times.
- My Dark Reaper exarch can survive a Fire prism blast, but not a shuriken catapult??
- My Autarch showed the shining spears that there were entirely too many missles in her reaper launcher.
All in all a great game! I'm hoping to get another in before the big game.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Terrain - Terra's Virtuous Wrath
I have an Apocalypse game coming. It's the culmination of the map based campaign I ran at our local gaming store (R.I.P.) last year. Not having a common venue has been detrimental on getting the original players back together for the last few turns and the endgame. I decided to advance things a bit and go ahead and narrate it a little so that we (perhaps just I) can have some closure on it. I even wrote a little fiction to that end. I am thinking of starting a 2nd campaign, but instead have it narrative rather than map-based. Before I can do this though, I need to have the first one out of my hair.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Photography improvement. Check.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Eldar - Banshee Exarch #2