Wednesday, April 27, 2011

List - Genestealer Swarm

"This place crawls sir, we need retrieval!"

Everyone seems to be posting lists to their blogs, and I haven't done so in a while, so here goes. I've had lots of success with this list, or a variant thereof, so I'm throwing it into the interwebs. So far it's been vassal only, but I will be putting it on the table very soon. This list probably exists somewhere on the internet, and if so I'm sorry for not providing something new, but this is something that I have evolved from my own experience from the codex and feel that it's pretty solid. It's a straightforward, stompy-stomp towards the enemy list. It's designed to get across the board and into a fight and have enough bodies to do so with acceptable loss and still a 5+ (4+ for the venoms) cover save that goes with the army.

I love the genestealer. It was the first model (still in the codex) that was Tyranid and with Space Hulk, Advanced Space Crusade and the like, I wound up with more than a few of them. I secretly bought a Hive Tyrant and few other models while I was playing my Space Wolves back in 2nd edition. My lone zoat had long since joined the ranks of chaos and is now a Daemon Prince of Slaanesh, but that's a different story. It was around the time Cities of Death came out that I had enough models to put to table.

Since then obviously the horde has grown, but I've always had a special place in my heart for the 'stealerbug'. I'm quite satisfied with the current incarnation of it in the current codex and have used them with great success. Yesterday I took a solid step forward into making this a list with the aquisition of two venomthropes. Now all I lack is the Ymgarls! Though I do have more than enough hybrids to be stand ins...

HQ: 1 Hive Tyrant; TL Devourer w/Brainleech Worms + Heavy Venom Cannon + Old Adversary + Adrenal Glands + Armoured Shell + Paroxysm + Leech Essence
Elite: 10 Ymgarl Genestealer Brood
Elite: 1 Venomthrope
Elite: 1 Venomthrope
Troops: 4 Tyranid Warrior Brood; Venom Cannon
Troops: 19 Genestealer Brood; Broodlord with Scything Talons
Troops: 19 Genestealer Brood; Broodlord with Scything Talons
Troops: 19 Genestealer Brood; Broodlord with Scything Talons
Heavy Support: Tyrannofex; Rupture Cannon + Regeneration

1997 points

I am considering changing Old Adversary (or dropping the T-fex Regen) to Hive Commander just in the case of DoW, so that I can outflank all the troops. That would still give the two MC's portable 5+ cover saves.

Anyway, I'd like to hear thoughts/feedback so please do!


  1. It is one of the scariest lists I have ever faced.

  2. Yeah, I got to see a little of this on Vassal, and really it was a neat battle. This list is scary to look at and I would be scared to actually go against it on a table. Awesome though.
